Xanalyse is a combined product, which utilizes different technologies and tools to achieve its goals. It consists of state of the art Business Intelligence Technologies like a rock solid Data-WareHousing layer, a best in class ETL process design and automation tool and a groundbreaking enterprise Reporting environment, all powered by SAP/BusinessObjects®.

 Xanalyse goals are:sapboreporting

  • Collecting data from various data sources
  • Extract data, Transfer data and load it into new databases (ETL)
  • Preparing data for the usage in a Business Intelligence environment
  • Changing the data on the fly (e.g. Date and time formats, etc.)
  • Pre-calculating KPIs out of measurements if needed
  • Data Clearing
  • Data normalization
  • Feeding the built-in Data Warehouse

Using Xanalyse and the built-in Data Warehouse ensures the highest performance in Reporting and Monitoring, especially when dealing with a huge amount of data and large operational databases.

Although Xanalyse is an optional and additional product in EMQP, there are many reasons to use it:

  • Integrated ETL Toolsapbo
  • Flexible Integrations using XML, SQL, ASCII, Syslog, SNMP, CORBA
  • Ready to use DWH
  • Data correlation between different data sources
  • Highest performance for long term Reporting
  • Disburdening operational databases by using analytical databases for reporting
  • Improving reporting capabilities (trend tracking, data mining, etc.)
  • Data security
  • Slimming the data storage by pre-calculating KPIs
  • etc.


Contact us

If you have a question about our products and services,
please feel free to contact us!

Tel: +49-89-54 80 17 90


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